(AKA Alex Fromill's ''official'' website)

Start here, mate



You thought that this website would contain mundane details about Alex Fromill's personal life and opinions and all that boring stuff?

HA! No. Not that Alex's boring. Quite the opposite. Alex's pretty awesome and a generally nice person. And that's that. 

Now let us get in depth with my favourite suject of conversation. THE SPINNER. 

Who is the Spinner, you ask?

Anyone with a story to tell. 

What is A Spinner's Footnotes?

LIFE ITSELF, I trust. Everything that you do is a footnote, probably. Eating a sandwich. Waiting in line. Listening to a one-hit wonder and wondering why it's a one-hit wonder. Anything. What was the question again?

A series of novels written by Alex Fromill. Right now, there's only one; Footnote No. 5 and a Half.

What is A Spinner's Footnotes?


The Spinner of course.

Who are you?

Well. I mean. Next question please. 

Isn't the Spinner Alex if Alex is the author of the A Spinner's Footnotes series?

Information and Entertainment. What more can you ask for?

So, what's the purpose of this website?